As part of our ongoing ways of offering spiritual formation during this time, Pastor Tyler Tankersley will be conducting interviews with some folks on Facebook Live each week. These interviews are going to be called “Word to the Wise.”
07/23/2020 – Liz Miller joins Gina Brock to speak about Love Out Loud.
Liz Miller joins us tonight to speak about Love Out Loud
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, July 23, 2020
07/16.2020 – This month we’re getting to know some of our ministry partners. Tonight, Gina Brock, our Associate Pastor, interviews Abbey Riessett about Crisis Control Ministry.
Abbey Riesett joins us to share about the ministry of Crisis Control
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, July 16, 2020
07/09/2020 – This month we’re getting to know some of our ministry partners. Tonight, Dr. Steve Bissette talks to us about The Shalom Project.
Dr. Steve Bissette and The Shalom Project
This month we're getting to know some of our ministry partners. Tonight, Dr. Steve Bissette talks to us about The Shalom Project.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, July 9, 2020
07/02/2020 – Dane Martin, our Minister with Students, interviews Melanie Bell from City Lights Ministry, one of our ministry partners.
Word to the Wise, tonight we are interviewing Melanie Bell from City Lights Ministry. We are excited to interview one of our ministry partners.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, July 2, 2020
06/25/2020 – Alan Gill, our Church Administrator has a conversation with Dr. Franklin Watkins and Dr. John Sanders about COVID-19 and the impact on the church.
Word to the Wise – June 25, 2020 – A Conversation with Dr. Franklin Watkins and Dr. John Sanders about COVID-19 and the impact on the church.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, June 25, 2020
06/18/2020 – Our pastor, Tyler Tankersley, interviews Rev. Dr. Terrell Carter, who is a prolific author, a Baptist pastor, and a former police officer. You can learn more about Rev. Dr. Carter here:
Word to the Wise: Interview with Terrell Carter
Our pastor Tyler Tankersley interviews Rev. Dr. Terrell Carter, who is a prolific author, a Baptist pastor, and a former police officer. You can learn more about Rev. Dr. Carter here:
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, June 18, 2020
06/11/2020 – Senior Pastor, Tyler Tankersley, interviews Ardmore member Donna Bissette and CBFNC Executive Coordinator Larry Hovis on their work as part of the Racial Equity and Justice Ministry Team.
Word to the Wise: Interview with Donna Bissette and Larry Hovis
This evening Tyler Tankersley will be interviewing Ardmore member Donna Bissette and CBFNC Executive Coordinator Larry Hovis on their work as part of the Racial Equity and Justice Ministry Team.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, June 11, 2020
5/28/2020 – Our Pastoral Staff is interviewed by Mike Nuckolls on how the pandemic has shifted ministry in these days.
Word to the Wise: Interview with the Pastoral Staff
Our Word to the Wise tonight is an interview with our Pastoral Staff. We will be interviewed by Mike Nuckolls on how the pandemic has shifted ministry in these days.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, May 28, 2020
5/21/2020 – Join our pastor, Tyler Tankersley, as he interviews Walker Armstrong, who serves as the Executive Director of the Pilot Mountain Baptist Association.
Word to the Wise: Interview with Walker Armstrong
Our "Word to the Wise" series is every Thursday evening and features an interview of presentation. This week features an interview between our pastor, Tyler Tankersley, and Walker Armstrong, who serves as the Executive Director of the Pilot Mountain Baptist Association.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, May 21, 2020
5/14/20 – This week, Tyler Tankersley interviews Paul Baxley (Executive Coordinator for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and Winston-Salem native!) on how CBF churches are adapting and thriving in the midst of this pandemic.
Word to the Wise: Interview with CBF Executive Coordinator Paul Baxley
Join us as Tyler Tankersley interviews CBF Executive Coordinator Paul Baxley
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, May 14, 2020
5/7/20 – This week, Dane Martin interviews Vince and Allison Hungate, founders of Intentional Marriage. We are discussing marriage in the midst of a pandemic.
Word to the Wise: Marriage in the Midst of Pandemic
Word to the Wise with Vince and Allison Hungate, founders of Intentional Marriage. We are discussing marriage in the midst of a pandemic.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, May 7, 2020
4/30/20 – Pastor Tyler Tankersley presents an overview of the New Testament epistle of Galatians as preparation for our sermon series “Finding Freedom” that begins on Sunday, May 3.
Word to the Wise: An Introduction to Galatians
Pastor Tyler Tankersley will be giving an overview of the New Testament epistle of Galatians as preparation for our sermon series "Finding Freedom" that begins on Sunday, May 3. Please feel free to make comments or ask questions below.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, April 30, 2020
4/23/20 – This week Amy Gallaher interviews Carson and Laura Foushee, CBF Missionaries to Japan. You will learn about their calling, their work in Japan, and how they are still doing ministry amidst COVID-19.
Word to the Wise interview with Carson and Laura Foushee
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, April 23, 2020
4/16/20 – This week Tyler Tankersley and Rick Jordan interview Dr. David May about the New Testament and how it relates to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Word to the Wise: An Interview with Dr. David May
Tyler Tankersley and Rick Jordan interview Dr. David May about the New Testament and how it relates to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, April 16, 2020
(Thursday, April 9, 2020 was the Maundy Thursday Service)
4/2/20 – This week Dr. Franklin Watkins is here to answer our questions about the Covid-19 Pandemic and how we should be responding.
Word to the Wise: An Interview with Franklin Watkins
Franklin Watkins is here to answer our questions about the Covid-19 Pandemic and how we should be responding. Please type any questions you have for Dr. Watkins in the Comments below and we will get to them.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, April 2, 2020
3/26/20 – This week’s feature is the 12th grade class as they share about their youth week them and what like is like these days.
12th Grade Youth Week–Word to the Wise
Welcome to our Word to the Wise featuring the 12th grade class as they share about their youth week them and what like is like these days. Share comments and questions, and we will work them into the conversation.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, March 26, 2020
3/19/20 – Our first interview will feature Mike Nuckolls. Mike, as many of you already know, is a former member of our Pastoral Staff and is a licensed and practicing therapist. Mike is going to talk with Tyler about how we might manage our anxieties and fears during this time.
Word to the Wise: Managing Fear & Anxiety
Word to the Wise: Managing Fear & Anxiety with Mike Nuckolls (begins at 7:00 PM)Feel free to ask any questions or make any comments below and Tyler will ask them of Mike.
Posted by Ardmore Baptist Church on Thursday, March 19, 2020