Everyone is Welcome at Ardmore Baptist Church!
When you arrive at Ardmore Baptist, you’ll find one of our members waiting to greet you at the door. We’ll be happy to direct you to wherever you need to go, including Bible study, worship services, and our childcare services. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet with our ministers before and after services.
Following service on Sunday, we encourage all visitors to stop by our Hospitality Room, where you’ll meet with members of our Invitation & Hospitality team. They’re available to answer any questions you have and will talk to you about the church.
We look forward to your visit!
We welcome you! Our staff would love to get to know you. If you would like us to get in touch, please
We encourage you to browse our website to learn more about us. You may also call the church office (336-725-8767) if you have questions.
Helpful online links include:
A Cup of Change – Pastor Tankersley’s Blog
Our Stories – Stories of God at Work in our Congregation
Conversations that Matter – Online dialogue led by Pastor Tyler Tankersley, with authors on important topics.
Welcome Families With Children
We are glad that you and your family have chosen to visit Ardmore Baptist Church! We want this to be a great worship experience for you and your children. Please take a moment to click on the link below to register your children for our children’s ministry so that we may ensure that your child has a fun, encouraging, and safe visit.
Your First Sunday
What should I expect during my first visit?
What are the COVID-19 safety measures?
We strongly encourage all people (vaccinated and unvaccinated) to please wear a mask while indoors at Ardmore Baptist Church.
This includes the Sanctuary, Sunday Bible Study rooms, and in the hallways.
Masks are available at the tables inside the Narthex.
What is the schedule on Sundays?
- Bible study for all ages begins at 9:30 a.m.
- Worship services begin at 8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
- Preschool worship care is available for ages birth through 4 years.
Where should I park?
We have several reserved “Guest Parking” spaces for visitors available right in front of the sanctuary for your convenience. Excess parking is also available in a remote lot nearby, and the Ardmore Express offers shuttle services to and from the lot between 7:45 a.m. – 12:00 noon.
The remote lot is located behind 2200 Cloverdale Avenue, between Miller Street and Melrose Avenue.To enter from Melrose Avenue:
- From the church, proceed north on Miller Street toward Cloverdale Avenue.
- Proceed to the stoplight at Queen Street.
- Turn left onto Queen Street and proceed to the 4-way stop sign at Melrose Avenue.
- Turn right onto Melrose Avenue and proceed to the first parking lot entrance on your right (sign says Miller Plaza 2200).
- Ardmore Baptist uses the upper lot section closest to Miller Street for parking.
The primary pick-up/drop-off point at the church is the covered entrance on the Elizabeth Avenue side of the church.
Where should I go first?
Look for our Welcome Center sign outside the main entrance doors, and from there be sure to stop by our Welcome Desk in the main lobby! Our friendly staff will be waiting to tell you about our Sunday Bible Communities and answer any questions you may have.
If you are joining us for worship, you’ll find volunteers eager to meet you and tell you more about our congregation. And if you visit prior to Sunday Bible Study, our church members will be available to discuss various class listings for adults and children and escort you and your family to your Sunday Bible Study classes.
How will I find my way around?
Don’t worry about that! Our Welcome Team is here to guide you to your destination. But if it makes you feel more comfortable, you can always download a map of our facilities by clicking here.
Which Bible study would be appropriate for me?
We have a variety of Sunday Bible study communities. For a brief look at where you might fit in, click HERE.
What are worship services like?
Our Sunday services are distinct because of their strong emphasis on sacred music of many varieties, as well as traditional worship. Through music, prayer, scripture, silence, and the spoken word, we lift our hearts to God.
What is available for my children during the worship services?
- We are an inter-generational congregation and welcome all children in worship no matter what age. We invite children to help lead in worship through song, prayers, litanies, and reading scripture. We have regularly scheduled children’s sermons, baptisms, and parent-child-church covenants in worship.
- If you would like your preschool child (birth to 4-year-old) to be cared for during the service, please come to the Welcome Desk at the Preschool Entrance before the service to register your child(ren). Any usher or door greeter can help show you the way.
- Children 3-years-old and younger are cared for in classrooms located in the hallway behind the sanctuary.
- Children who are 4-years-old/Pre-K join us for worship during the first half of the service. During the offertory hymn, a leader comes forward on the organ side of the sanctuary to receive children. These children are then led to a room in the hallway behind the sanctuary where they will be cared for during the remainder of the service.
- Children 5 years/Kindergarten and older stay with their parents during the service.
- Everyone who works with our children (Sunday Bible Study Teachers, Worship Care Volunteers, and Paid Childcare Teachers) has completed a background check in the previous year.
How can I meet the ministers?
Our ministers would love to meet you! They are available just outside the sanctuary after worship every Sunday morning. If you would like a more in-depth visit with a minister, please call the church office at 336-725-8767, Monday-Friday to set up a time for a personal visit or phone call.
How does Ardmore minister to the community?
The best way to find out how Ardmore ministers to the community is through our Making Connections booklet that can be downloaded HERE. Find your passion for serving Christ and join us!
What if I have more questions?
We want to hear from you! If you have other questions, or simply a comment you want to share, give us a call at 336-725-8767 or email us at info@ardmorebaptist.org.
Pick up a copy of our “Making Connections” booklet at the Welcome Desk. IT provides a listing of Sunday Classes and other weekly groups available at Ardmore. For an electronic copy of our “Making Connections” booklet, click here.