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David Fitzgerald began his work as Minister of Worship, Music, and Arts at Ardmore Baptist Church in January 2014.
Born in Madison Heights, Virginia, David is a graduate of Lynchburg College, where he received his Bachelor of Arts in Music Education. David received the Master of Church Music degree from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, where he was awarded the Presidential Scholarship and served as a professor’s assistant, in addition to directing the Seminary Handbell Ensemble and teaching Handbell Methods courses.
David has served in music ministry positions in churches in Virginia, Kentucky, and North Carolina for forty years. Throughout the years he has served as pianist and organist for Virginia Baptist State conferences and events. He has accompanied the Virginia Baptist Male Chorale, The Northeast Piedmont Chorale, and the Southeastern Seminary. He has also taken part in multiple church music festivals and conferences. He has served on the planning team as well as accompanying, leading classes and directing handbells for the North Carolina OASIS Church Music Conference. David has also served as guest clinician/conductor for state and local handbell festivals in Kentucky and Virginia. Several of his compositions have been published in Handbells Magazine and Worship Magazine.
David and his wife Martha have been married since 1985 and have four children: Adam, Joel, Emily, and Zac. Martha is a graduate of Lynchburg College and received her teacher certification through the University of Virginia. She teaches fourth grade at Pinebrook Elementary School in Davie County.
In his spare time, David enjoys composing music, working in the yard, taking a spin class and working out at the gym, going to the movies, and spending time with his family. He also loves to travel to different countries on music mission trips and singing with the North Carolina Baptist Singers. He is inspired by the beauty of nature and God’s creation, the beach, mountains, great music, and art, as well as creative worship and the great hymns of his faith.
David’s heroes are his wife Martha and his parents, who have loved him unconditionally, nurtured his faith, encouraged him, and helped him through some difficult times in his ministry.
Something most people don’t know about David is that he jumped out of an airplane and learned how to swim when he turned 50, owned two Saab convertibles at the same time, loves antiques, and loves to take long drives on the open road while listening to “good” Bluegrass music.
“I am in ministry because God has called me to use my gifts and talents to help equip and train others to serve and worship him. I am grateful for those mentors who nurtured my faith, who encouraged me to develop my talents, and who provided opportunities to use those talents to praise and glorify God. My prayer is that I will be able to do the same for others.”