A few weeks ago, the 4th – 6th graders were challenged by Lou Baldwin as they brainstormed how to end homelessness in Winston-Salem. He commissioned them as (unofficial) junior members of the “Winston-Salem Blue Ribbon Committee to End Chronic Homelessness” formed by Mayor Joines. Lou listened intently and wrote down the children’s ideas. You could see on their faces the empowerment they felt in knowing their ideas mattered and could be used for something so important.
Fast forward to this past Wednesday. All Mission Kids (1st – 6th grades) were invited to an Early Release (from school) Mission Day. We went to City Lights Ministry. Part of their work is with the homeless in Winston-Salem and much of their work is with children in poverty and challenging home situations. Their goal is to help the children know they are safe and loved and to share the Gospel with them. Our Ardmore children packed individual milk cartons so kids would have milk for the week, packed hats and gloves for children to have in the winter, and packed goodie bags of candy and small toys so the children would have something to make them smile.
Then the children gathered around the City Lights Ministry staff, laid hands on them, and prayed for their ministry and the children they would reach (much like our preschool Mission Friends did for Carol Polk as they prayed for Pivot Ministry as few weeks ago). Our children are empowered by knowing they are called by God to have big hearts and share their love of Jesus with others.
I don’t have space to tell you every detail, but if you catch me in the hall I’ll be happy to tell you the rest of the story of how God is at work in our children as they serve because “when you did it to the least of these, you did it to me,” says Jesus (Matthew 25:40).
– Lee Ritchie