Hello Neighbours!
The annual Ardmore RAH! 10K, 5K, Fun Run and Food Drive is coming up soon and we would LOVE to have you join as either runners, volunteers or spectators. If you choose to run with us, here is a little discount for you all. Use code: NEIGHBOUR when signing up for $5 off the registration, and be sure to sign up before Sep 24th to ensure that you get a t-shirt to commemorate the event.
Sign up at https://www.ardmorerah.com/
There are lots of opportunities to help (even if you don’t want to run/walk), including the following:
-Poster Hanging at local businesses–starting September 8
-Packet Pickup on Friday, October 18 from 2:30-7:00pm at Fleet Feet
-Race Day Registration- Saturday, October 19 from 6:45am-8:00am
-Race Day Set Up – Saturday, October 19 from 6:00am-7:30am
-Race Day Food Prep- Saturday, October 19 from 7:00am-9:45am
-Race Day Intersections Monitoring – Saturday, October 19 from 7:30am-10:30am
-After Race Tear Down/Clean Up – Saturday, October 19 from 10:15am-11:45am
If you’re able to help, please use the link below to sign up to volunteer:
Ardmore RAH Volunteer Signup
Feel free to recruit friends and/or forward this to anyone who may be interested in joining in the fun!