Prepared for Something Else

Summer is here ! This time of year brings trips, vacations, and other fun things. Kids are out of school and feel free from the stressors of home work and tests. The summer is such a great time! But what if this summer wasn’t just about the trips and down time? What if this summer you were being prepared for something else? Maybe the past year or just the past season was building a foundation for you, for something that is to come. Will you be ready for that experience or to interact with that person? As we begin the summer, approach it with possibility and wonder. Maybe you are being prepared for what will come next; an opportunity, connecting with someone else, speaking life into another’s life, starting something new. Who knows? Join us in being intentional about what this summer can bring and prepare you for later down the road.
Contact / Location

Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am