February 1, 2023

Grits, Gospel, and Grinnin’ – A Resurrection Story

The pandemic took its toll on most ministries at Ardmore Baptist Church, but none was affected more than our Senior Adult Ministry. It was not too long ago that our more mature members would meet regularly for fellowship, fun, classes, senior adult choir, and travel on trips to locations around the state. They demonstrated real community within the church, developing long-lasting friendships and having memorable experiences together. But when the world began to shut down to stop the spread of the coronavirus, it was evident that our older adult population was the most vulnerable. At once, the Senior Adult Ministry came to a complete halt.

For over two years, this ministry laid dormant, waiting for the opportunity and leadership to be resurrected. This past fall, we saw a huge response to the new Wednesday morning Bible Study. It was exciting to be back together again, rejuvenating friendships and growing together in Christ. But once-a-week study was only the beginning! Sarah Griffinhagen and her Joy in the Journey leadership team had a vision to restore this ministry and began to plan events that would be fun oriented, allowing for more fellowship opportunities. They had great success with their tailgate party luncheon, and it was during that event that the idea for the January 10 event was hatched. As Sarah tells the story, “This event took shape in a unique way. As we were decorating for the tailgate party in September, Diana Davis asked what else we had planned. We did not have anything planned. She mentioned her dad’s church always had a breakfast and called it Gospel Grits and Grinning. We loved the idea and went with it! The TarHeel Travelers agreed to play for us. We had over 75 people in attendance!”

There was a lot of toe-tapping, head-bobbin’, and plenty of smiles, as the TarHeel Travelers entertained the crowd and people enjoyed each other’s company. Sandra Bovender shared, “It was wonderful! And John (John Griffinhagen) was a hoot! Also great to see Frances and Ted!” Yes, the chance to re-connect and recreate together the community of the church is the real story of “Grits, Gospel, and Grinnin’”. It was almost a preview of heaven – living in community with God and neighbors. And that was never more evident than when everyone’s voices joined in the singing of the last song,

“Will the circle be unbroken
By and by, Lord, by and by
There’s a better home a-waiting
In the sky, Lord, in the sky”

Contact / Location

Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am