- What Is an Encourager Church?
This program is a formal church partnership with field personnel (missionaries) through the signing of a covenant that “encourages mutual roles of support fostering important ministries and transformative relationships. The relationship focuses on four major areas- prayer support, administrative support, short-term engagement and financial support. Each area unites churches with the ongoing ministry work of field personnel around the world. This program seeks to: deepen relationships, cultivate mutual transformation, bear a consistent witness, and focus financial stewardship. Such a relationship invites the church into an intimate first-hand role in missions.”
What Does this mean for Ardmore Baptist Church?
After a time of discernment and discussion the Missional Engagement MALT felt lead to enter into this Encourager Church relationship with the following priorities:
- Intergenerational opportunities for involvement and missions education
- Choosing field personnel that are in the field and are “boots on the ground”
- International missions that translate to missions and outreach in our own city and neighborhood
- Opportunities for individuals and families of all different giftedness and passions to be able to participate, having a wide breadth of opportunity to be involved and creating missions focus and deepening relationships
We will be signing a covenant with our selected field personnel to mutually support one another for 5 years. We will be offering them financial support, sending missions teams, caring for their family, educating our congregation, and praying for their specific requests. They will be zooming and live streaming into classes and seminars, providing regular updates on their ministry and prayer requests, hosting and coordinating logistics for arrival of teams, visiting when able and in the United States, offering education, and praying for us. We get the privilege of joining in a missions relationship that is a beautiful two-way street of Kingdom work.
Who are Janée and Hary and what do they do?
Janée describes her family as “an American woman married to a Syrian man living in Belgium with their two daughters speaking four languages.” Janée and Hary live in Antwerp, Belgium where there is a very large Syrian refugee community. They can be found hosting Bible studies, teaching English, praying around the neighborhood, coordinating help and humanitarian aid to refugee camps, and showing hospitality on all levels. They recently purchased a building that they are actively trying to turn into a place where they can host refugees and worship. Janée is employed by CBF for full time ministry and Hary works a part time job as a welder by day and does ministry by night. They have two daughters Phoebe, age 10, and Maria Grace, age 6, who attend a local elementary school that they can walk to.
Why Janée and Hary?
We have prayed and researched and listened over the last year as we believe God lead us to the Janée , Hary, Phoebe and Maria Grace. We desired to partner with field personnel who lived in their place of ministry and have a life-long presence and impact. We wanted to partner with field personnel who had younger children that could help invite our own Ardmore children into relationship with missions education. We wanted to partner with field personnel who could host intergenerational teams as well as have a wide breadth of opportunity such as: medical, education, English classes, women’s issues and health, VBS, construction, music and choir, evangelism, and humanitarian aid. We wanted to partner with field personnel who were working with a people group that we could learn from and use those lessons in mission work in our own backyard. This missionary family encompasses all of our hopes and dreams for a partner in international missions as we seek to take the love of Jesus to the ends of the earth.
Learn more on Encourager Church
Encourager Church Interview – Join us for an interview with our new partners, Janée and Hary, in Antwerp, Belgium as well as Ellen Sechrest from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.