How many of us would give up our free time for someone we don’t know? Over winter break a group of college students gave three days of their break to invest in people they had never met. Each of them accepted the call to share Christ’s love with someone who was suffering in some way. They weren’t paid to do it, they weren’t coerced…instead, they realized that over their break God could use them in a powerful way. Throughout our time in the rainy Lumberton area they were able to make jump ropes for schools that lost all PE equipment, make blankets for the elderly who were still displaced, and invest in Ms. Inez as we put in sub-flooring for her house. Ms. Inez was drawn to tears when she saw how many students had come to help her. Our students grew these three days through the work done, the interaction with each other, and the challenge from worship. It was a great three days! I hope their example challenges all of us to move into the unknown of serving others, sacrificing our time, and walking into the amazing opportunities God has for us.
– Dane Martin