An Open Letter to the Congregation

November 2018
Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, I hope there is someone there who remembers meeting me. I was visiting with Jill, my daughter, who was doing a fellowship in infectious diseases at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Her mother, my wife, had passed away about nine weeks earlier. I was spending time with her [Jill] to deal with our grief together.

I was driving around the greater Winston-Salem area when I happened upon the Ardmore Baptist Church. I passed it, then was drawn to turn around and return to your church. I spoke to a young lady that was a Youth Minister. She told me she had been called to preach as a young girl. It was evident in her demeanor. I felt God in her presence. She spoke with me for about an hour and made me feel much better.

I wrote this letter today because of it being All Saints Day. My church’s way of celebrating the day is to show pictures of our departed loved ones on the wall.

I am sorry I don’t remember the lady’s name but it really doesn’t matter. The two of us remember the meeting.

Before I left the church this young lady brought me a prayer shawl made by a lady named Inez White. My recently departed wife’s name was Inez. I was invited to attend Sunday’s service and gladly accepted. I got to meet Inez and her husband and many more loving people. My wife and I both had been estranged from God for the entire duration of our 45 year marriage. At the time of my visit to Ardmore I still had no affiliation with a church. Commuting to your beautiful church was not possible because my home was in a village (Doylestown) in Ohio.

My name is Gerald Miracle. I like to think there maybe is someone who remembers the day a Yankee Miracle walked among you as proud as you please to share Christian love with “ya’ll” – if I may borrow one of your words. It’s going on six years now, yet the memory is as sharp as if it were last week. I hope these words convey the heartfelt love I have for all ya’ll.

Christian love knows no bounds!!
Thank you so much!
With all my love,
Gerald Miracle

Contact / Location

Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am