I’d like to let you in on a few conversations I’ve had over the last week about Children’s Missions. As we began our new missions focus this year, children and leaders are experiencing God in different and meaningful ways.

Scene 1: I spoke with a 3-year-old the day after our first mission night. He immediately said, “I was at the Sea of Galilee with you!” In missions, we talked about Jesus calling helpers (the disciples) and that we would spend the year learning to be helpers for Jesus. All four times I saw this child last week, he talked to me about his experience in missions. He is excited to do weekly projects to help people.

Scene 2: In my own home, Warren told me without prompting all about missions. “Mom, we cut out (pictures of) food and talked about sharing so everybody has enough.” He was ready to learn more and find ways to help.

Scene 3: The 4th – 6th graders are spending the year learning about Helping the Homeless. Last week they read a book about a father and son who are homeless and it sparked lots of questions. It also sparked a lot of conversation about how they can help. This week, Melanie Bell from City Lights Ministry came and shared with them about the homeless population. As she talked, I watched the kids. They were completely focused and had great questions.

I share all of this with you because I see God’s hand in shaping these children with hearts of compassion and hands ready to serve. Please pray for our children as they continue to learn this year about people who have needs and how they have the power and ability to make a difference in someone’s life.
– Lee Ritchie

Contact / Location

Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am