On the next to the last day of Music and Arts camp I noticed a teenager sitting in the choir loft apart from the children so I quickly moved over to sit next to her. I asked her where she went to school and found out she was an international high school student who was visiting family. She came to the camp to see how we do things in America. She pointed over to our empty Baptism pool and asked, “What is this for?” She seemed puzzled at my description, so I asked her if she was a Christian. She apologized and said that she was not and didn’t understand. I suddenly felt that this was a sacred moment; perhaps the only time this teenager would hear the Gospel. I presented the Gospel to her in a brief, poignant capsule of why we follow Christ. She understood my words. That’s all. Nothing miraculous happened. I may never see her again and I certainly will never know the result of this witness. All I know is that I thank God for opening my eyes to sit next to her.
– Chester David

Contact / Location

Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am