June 11, 2024

This might be a shock to many of you, but I am not Tyler Tankersley. My name is Spencer Browning, and I am this year’s CBF SturdentServe Intern here at Ardmore Baptist Church. When Tyler approached me about possibly writing on this Blog, I jumped at the opportunity.

I have grown up at Ardmore Baptist Church my entire life, but this summer offered a unique opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. Starting in late May, I joined the staff here at Ardmore by going on the Staff Formation Retreat surrounding the idea of Solitude. This retreat was a great kick starter that propelled me into a summer that has been busy with fun and transformation. Each week, I have had the privilege to shadow under at least one of our ministers. One week I might be with Lee heading to Eagle Eyrie, Virginia with our children’s ministry, then the next with Dane going to Panama City, Florida for a youth camp. While I have stayed busy with things like retreats, camps, and CBF General Assembly, this has been an amazing time for me to learn and grow in my own faith.

I am currently a rising Junior at Furman University down in Greenville, South Carolina. My focus has been on health sciences, but I have always looked to ministry as a future career choice. This summer continues to support my ideas of wanting to go into ministry even through the highs and the lows of this crazy journey. While my time here is not over, I continue to look forward, as I preach this Sunday, join in leading VBS, and then ending the summer heading to Anterp, Belgium with our mission’s ministry.

I am extremely thankful for all the time, grace and prayers that everyone has sent my way, and I hope to lead and make you all proud as we go through this journey called life.

-Spencer Browning

Currently Reading:
Jesus Feminist by Sarah Bessey

Contact / Location

Contact info

123, New Lenox, Chicago IL 60606

Gathering Times


8:00am, 9:15am, 11:00am