Live out your passion and calling through the ministries of the church!
If you love to work with kids, play an instrument, show compassion to others, or you’re a math whiz, we have a place for you to live your faith!

Our Shared Ministry Model
Ardmore Baptist Church
Worship, Music, and Arts
The Worship, Music, and Arts ministry is dedicated to worship Christ through creativity and inspiration. Our mission is to engage our church and community in creative worship, compelling music, and captivating arts. We believe all of these invite life-changing encounters to transform minds through the mystery of God, transform hearts with the love of God, and transform lives in response to God.
Adult Choir Rehearsal Music
The Choral Scholars Ministry offers scholarship positions to area college students. These positions allow students the experience of singing with an accomplished church choir and provide students with the support of a “home away from home” church family. Interested singers should complete an online application here. Contact David Fitzgerald ( for more information.
Missional Engagement
Our Missional Engagement team strives to fulfill the goals of serving, giving, and support in our community. We believe that Christ calls us to serve those in need. Our members enjoy the sense of fulfillment and connection experienced during their ministry outreach to the homeless, jobless, refugees, the elderly, those in financial and food crisis, those who suffer from illnesses, and children in need of educational support.
Here are some of the ministries we are involved in:
- Encourager Church
- Welcome House
- Hunger 2 Health: Food security and educational ministries to Ashley Academy.
- Pivot Ministry: Mentoring ministry to women seeking a new approach to life and work.
- City With Dwellings: Temporary shelter for homeless women.
- Crisis Control: Emergency financial, food, and medical assistance.
- Samaritan Inn: Shelter for homeless men.
- Solus Christus: Safe house for women overcoming addiction.
- Handicrafters: Providing handmade, practical, and comfort items to area health and support agencies.
To learn more about this ministry, contact Amy Gallaher, Minister of Missional Engagement, at 336-725-8767 or
Administration and Support
Our Administration and Support ministries are supportive, resourceful, and organized. They create and maintain a church structure that looks upward toward Christ and outward toward our world. Their support functions ensure that all our other ministries are possible. Without them, our church could not continue!
The primary areas of service covered by the administration and support ministry are:
- Budgeting and Money Management
- Property Management
- Marketing and Communications
- Human Resources
- Transportation
To learn more, contact Alan Gill, Church Administrator, at 336-725-8767 or
Faith Formation and Engagement
Our Faith Formation and Engagement Ministry is divided into four age groups:
Children and Families
We seek to provide a nurturing and engaging experience for children and families that is formed in faith by God’s word, the work of the Holy Spirit, and in our community with God’s people. We offer many opportunities for children to experience God through worship, Bible study, music, and service. We strive to nurture the faith of all children at their own development levels.
Children’s Ministry Guest Registration
To learn more, contact Lee Ritchie, Minister of Children and Families at 336-725-8767 or
As our children grow, we help them develop their relationship with God through scripture. No matter who they are, we want to meet all students wherever they are in life, and be involved in their lives both inside and outside the church. Our hope is that our youth will discover and strengthen their faith as we walk with them in this stage of their journey to God.
To learn more, see our Youth Ministry page or contact Dane Martin, Minister of Students at 336-725-8767 or
College Students
We seek to provide support and guidance to our college-aged members, so they know that we care for them. Our ministry provides an outlet for students to grow as leaders, develop their skills, and be molded in their faith. We want our students to feel a sense of belonging, whether they are joining us during their time away from home or if Winston-Salem is already their home. All students are invited to join us and make our church a part of their journey in faith at this stage in their lives.
To learn more, see our College Ministry page or contact Dane Martin, Minister of Students at 336-725-8767 or
At this stage in our lifetime journey, our ministry is joined by disciples who seek to further transform their faith and become more Christ-like. We believe that through study and practice, we strive to be more like Christ. The Bible is our curriculum and all other material is merely supplemental.
Adult Sunday Bible Study Classes
For more information, contact Gina Brock, Associate Pastor at 336-725-8767 or
Invitation and Hospitality
Our Invitation and Hospitality ministry seeks to extend a sense of welcome through engagement with and encouragement to our visitors and new members. We seek to share the love of Jesus with others by extending genuine hospitality, and provide paths and opportunities to develop community with others, as well as a personal relationship with Christ. We welcome and encourage everyone to connect through worship, Bible study, and fellowship.
To learn more, contact Kathryn Packett, Coordinator of Invitation & Hospitality at 336-725-8767 or
Congregational Care
Care and compassion embody the works of our Congregational Care ministry. This ministry is nestled within the community of faith at Ardmore and allows us to practice our belief in caring for others. In learning to care for each other, we are able to better care for those in our Winston-Salem community and beyond.
Here are just a few examples of our Congregational Care outreach activities.
- Ardmore Connections: Every month, small groups of 6-8 people gather for a meal or dessert at one person’s home to strengthen and enjoy the bonds of fellowship.
- Home Ministry Team: Monthly visits with our valued church members who are unable to attend services themselves due to age or health.
- Movie Night Out: Once a month, a group of adults gathers at the church to watch a movie and discuss the themes and their ideas. Popcorn and other snacks are provided, and guests are always welcome!
To learn more, contact Gina Brock, Associate Pastor at 336-725-8767 or